title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

News  »  BNCS AGM

   BNCS AGM    28 July, 2020

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020

To all shareholders of Baldons and Nuneham Community Society Limited. The management committee of the Society hereby gives notice that the seventh annual general meeting of the Society will take place at 7.00pm on Wednesday 12th August 2020 at the Seven Stars.

The business of the meeting will be:

1.      To receive from the management committee the accounts of the Society and the report of the auditor.

2.      To re-elect the Society’s auditor

3.      To elect the members of the Management Committee

4.      To receive from the management committee a report on performance in the previous year and plans for the future

5.      To consider and if appropriate to resolve to pay interest to shareholders at a rate of 2.228* for the year 25 March 2019 to 24 March 2020

* this is the blended interest rate for the financial year (1.5% above base rate, blended based primarily on a base rate of 0.75%, then 0.25% and finally 0.1%).

Monica Downton and Paul Torevell are standing down from the committee. Dave Greenaway is standing down at the end of his three year term however will stand for re-election. So we are looking for new members for the committee.  Anyone who would like to stand for election is invited to notify a member of the management committee or e-mail info@bncsltd.com by Wednesday 5th August and to submit by that date a short statement which will be circulated at the AGM.

Dated: 28th July 2020

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