Baldons Parish Council News Apr 2023
Baldons Parish Council News
Parish Council Election
Parish Council and District Council elections take place on May 4th and SODC will be issuing all the information to residents on the electoral roll. Don’t forget to take a photo ID with you when you go to vote.
There will be vacancies for Marsh Baldon and Toot Baldon councillors this year and we hope that new faces will have put their names forward as candidates. Or if you haven’t yet done so and are interested you have until 4th April to submit your application to SODC.
Coronation grant
Baldons Event committee are busy planning for our celebration of the Coronation on Sunday May 7th. The Parish Council has made a grant of £750.00 to BEC towards the cost.
CAB Grant
The council has also agreed to make a grant of £100 to South Oxfordshire Citizens Advice Bureau to assist in their provision of services.
Village pond
The Council has now taken some advice from The Earth Trust regarding the management of the pond outside the school. Regular cutting back of the shrubbery round the edges and removal of weed is recommended for every 2-3 years to try maintain open water as best we can. A small group of volunteers will it is hoped take this forward.
Wheatley Park School bus service
The OCC proposed removal of the school transport for children from the Baldons going to Wheatley Park School has been raised with the council who are now just as concerned at the implications of the loss of this service.
The council has agreed to support the protests and arguments being put to OCC by the parents and governors of Marsh Baldon school and have written to OCC and our County Councilor expressing our concerns and objections.
Planning applications
Rojac, Marsh Baldon: P23/S0746/HH. an application for a single storey rear extension and side extension.
Land on the west side of the Green: P22/S4323/HH. Barclay Farms have submitted an amended application for 6 houses on this site. Although the new plan has made some modifications to the lay out, the concerns and objection by the Parish Council and householders are still relevant. The council will be re-submitting its response and asking that the final decision is taken at a planning committee meeting.
Court Leys Toot Baldon: P23/S729/HH. Plans for a single storey rear extension with wine cellar below part of the new extension. Replacement single storey link between the main house and the existing music room. Alterations to the side stairwell, general refurbishment and alterations throughout, including the replacement of some existing windows and doors & addition of new crittall style glazed doors and windows in the rear of the music room. Conversion of detached garage to form a gym. Existing annex to be refurbished and upgraded. The council will be considering its response.
Parsonage Farm: P23/S0738/HH. An application for a detached double garage related to the barn conversion for which the council has indicated its support to SODC.
Annual meeting for the parishes of March Baldon and Toot Baldon
Monday17th April, 7.30pm Village Hall
This is the open meeting for all villagers where there is the opportunity to discuss in an open forum matters of interest and concern. The Council is obliged to give both an annual and financial report, and these will be the last reports of the current council prior to the new council being elected in May. Do come along and by your discussion help to shape the work and priorities of the new council. There will be a glass of wine available.
Date of next meeting. Monday 15th May. 7.30 pm Village Hall This will be the first meeting of the newly elected council.