title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

The Church

There are 2 Churches in the Baldons, St Peter's in Marsh and St Laurence's in Toot.
Click here for details of the Churches and forthcoming events. There is more information on Westgallerychurches




The Revd Teresa Stewart-Sykes is Team vicar for The Baldons with Nuneham Courtenay, Berinsfield and Drayton St Leonard.

e-mail: RevTeresa@outlook.com      and tel: 07823 809112

Our current curate is The Revd Sorrel Shamel-Wood who lives in Berinsfield.

Our safeguarding officer is Sara McDouall: saramcdouall@gmail.com

A clergy person can always be reached in a pastoral emergency by ringing the Dorchester Team Office 01865 340007

Any queries about services, or if you would like to speak to someone about a baptism, wedding, or funeral the person to contact in the first instance is the Administrator in the Dorchester Team Office on 01865 340007.  Or, if you prefer, email admin@dorchester-abbey.org.uk.

Baldons Churchwardens: Debbie Dance (01865)341323 and Ian Gillespie (01865)341398.



The Fellowship Group meet together to discover more about the Christian Faith.

For details please contact Jennifer Morton:

jennifer@morton8.co.uk or on 343302