title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

Parish Council Sept 2021

Baldons Parish Council News


Track round the green

The council considered a helpful and detailed paper from Peter Cave and Andy Speight outlining the various options for repair and/or resurfacing of the track on the south side of the Green and the associated costs and long-term maintenance following the completion of work at Durham Leys farm.  This will need to be considered in more detail within the council and with the developers at Durham Leys who also have a responsibility to undertake repairs once construction is completed next summer. Once there is a clear and affordable plan and timescale in place villagers on the souths side will be kept informed.

Arrangements have been made for the installation of posts to protect the edge of the green during the next few months. They will be similar to those to outside the school.


Durham Leys

The development at Durham Leys farm is now due to begin in early in October and we have been advised by Lucy’s there will be a slow build up to traffic and activity to the start to the building work a few weeks ahead.


Village Green

Discussion are being held with Savills land agents for Queen’s College about management issues and trees on the village green. This is ongoing but there is agreement with them that we need to improve and open up the landscape across the ditch to both sides of the green by removing self-seeded saplings and spreading hawthorn whilst maintaining willows and other good trees where we can.   Work on this will start in the coming months.


Solar Farm

The Parish Council submitted additional comment to SODC in response to the amended application by the Solar Farm developers. We have restated our objections and commented that none of the amendments address the fundamental concerns but appear to provide additional information to satisfy SODC questions on matters such as the impact on heritage assets which the applicants have assessed to be low.


Oxfordshire Plan 2050

The council has agreed to submit a response to the consultation on the long-term development in the county taking account of the assessment of the various growth scenarios, and projected housing numbers and the advice of CPRE. Of the options for housing growth there are concerns at the methodology for calculating numbers which are believed to be far in excess of need and damaging to the Green Belt and overall landscape. We will be arguing for the lowest numbers based on projections and for the protection of the Green Belt and the environment. Responses are required by 8th October  


The Pear Orchard

The council has given its support to the planting plan for the pear orchard which is being progressed this autumn subject to some clarification on hedging plants.


Date of next meeting

11th November   7.30 pm in the village hall