title="Baldons Parish Council in Oxfordshire">

Baldons Parish Council News June 2022

Baldons Parish Council News


The council AGM was held on 9th May. Items dealt with included:-

Election of officers 

Chairman: Dorothy Tonge (01865 343234 or chairman@baldonspc.org)

Vice Chairman: Stephen Dance (01865 341323 or sdance@baldonspc.org)

All standing orders and official policies were reapproved and are on the Baldons website.


Southern Track repairs

The Council received a report from the southern track committee that 75% of residents on the south side of the green were supportive of the planned work on the track and the responsibility on householders for its maintenance costs. Further reassurance was given as to the quality of the planned work.  The parish council therefore agreed that the CIL (Community Infrastructure levy) money can be released for the work to be done once residents have formally signed up to the maintenance commitment.


Pub parking repairs on the green

The Baldons and Nuneham Community Society have proposed carrying our repair work on the northern corner of the green to restore the corner and provide an area for end on overflow parking for visitors to the pub. The council has supported the plan which can be implemented in the autumn in conjunction with track repairs. A decision on a second proposal to reprofile the ‘pound’ area on the opposite side has been deferred until July.


Village Green

Now that covid restrictions have been removed it is again necessary for us to remind villagers and visitors of the rules governing the use and activities on the village green. Rules of the green are laid down in the Commons Act and are displayed on the large notice board on the west side of the green, as parking and driving on the green are prohibited by the Act. 

Therefore, it is important that the parish council are consulted when private functions on the green are planned and that any associated traffic and parking issues are discussed and agreed in advance. This is a policy the council has adopted over many years which it hasn’t been necessary to restate during the past 3 years.


Planning Applications

Romelia, Toot Baldon P22/ S0976/HH   An application for a rear single storey and front 2 storey extensions which has been supported by the council.

Court House Farm Barns P22/S1555/FUL   A resubmission of an application by Savills on behalf of the college for conversion of a barn to a 3 bedded house.  This was initially approved by SODC in 2015 and permission lapsed. The parish council has again supported the application.


Date of next meeting Monday 11th July 7.30pm Village Hall