Baldons Parish Council July 2022
Baldons Parish Council News
Platinum Jubilee Picnic on the Green
Despite the cool rather damp day everyone who turned out to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee appeared to have a great time on the village green. a big thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to everyone who helped to organize it and make it such a success. BEC, the volunteers, the Pub, the band etc. It will be a long time before e have another Jubilee to celebrate.
Planning applications
Solar Farm Nuneham Courtenay P22/S1541/FUL
The developers have applied to extend the life of the Solar Farm from 35 to 40 years intended to correct an administrative error that occurred at the time of SODC decision. The Parish Council and other bodies including CPRE have expressed concern about this on the ground that it creates a considerable extension of the project which was not part of the original application. As there were also concerns that the original decision didn’t take sufficient account of the suitability of the site in the Green Belt and was taken on a casting vote of the chairman it has been argued that the decision this time should be taken by the planning committee and not just by the planning officer. This opinion has been supported by our District Councillor. We await the outcome.
There have been 2 applications for Toot Baldon
Court House P22/S1726/FUL Conversion of a redundant barn to a single dwelling. This barn has had prior approval for conversion to a dwelling its use tied to Court House This application with some minor changes is for a totally separate dwelling. The parish council has indicated its support to SODC
Manor Farm P22/S1672/N4 A permitted development application for conversion of the large modern barn behind the Mole Inn to a four bedded house applied for by the land agents for Queen College. Permitted development of redundant barns are normally approved by the district council without detail plans and consultation with parish council. In this case we have expressed our concerns to both SODC and the land agents that in view of the site and its inclusion in the Baldon Neighbourhood plan, and other developments on the site, we would have welcomed a full application although the principle of development is not objected to.
Date of next meeting 11 July 7.30 pm Village Hall
Member of the public can attend and are welcome and can address the council during the open session. We will be discussing amongst other items on the agenda, repairs to the southern track and on the corner outside the Stars and tree planting for the Jubilee.